It was late morning when the March Hare strolled into the yard, followed closely by two pigs with wings, nudging him adoringly! Looking dapper after a wild and frolicking night on the farm. The Court Rabbit joined him blowing his horn, announcing the arrival of all the lovely bugs and fairies!
The Parade to the Tea Party
In the lead Dogwood, followed by three top hatted Fairy Flys, Mary Moth trying to keep the Bumble Bee twins from buzzing away, Chickadee birds chirped a little tune
Betsy Bumble Bee and Butterfly Kitty flitted over a green wagon
Bringing up the rear of the Parade Dorthea Dragonfly, the prettiest blue bug!
On they marched to the Great Grandfather Tree
This is where the Tea Party would be, hosted by the lovely Fairy Maiden and her Prince Frog
The Fairy Maiden was so excited to see the March Hare, but the Frog Prince still wanted a kiss, The Fairy Maiden puckered up, but she was undecided, afraid she might turn into a Frog if she gave him a kiss, this would be a waste of such a beautiful fairy dress. She would wait until the tea party was over before she would give her Prince a kiss!
They all Paraded to the tree, where a long table with a white cloth was laiden with honey cakes and sun tea. With the March Hare at the head of the table the afternoon was a delightful sight of tea slurping and air kissing, and lots of giggling from all the gooey cakes.
And Dogwood and I entertained the group and danced away the afternoon!
I would like to thank Vanessa at afancifultwist, for having the 2nd annual Mad Hatter Tea Party
And my good friend Terry, for hosting the Parade in her beautiful backyard!
With my wings securely fastened, I'm off to visit all the Tea Parties!