I returned from Chicago
and got back to work on my
Mousefeathers Collection of Dolls
my first ball jointed dolls
made out of paper clay

I wanted to make child-like dolls
10 inches tall
started with a sketch, which helped when molding the clay
I lay each piece over the drawing for size
I used plastic straws inside the legs and arms
after the clay dries, they pulled out easily
gluing different size styrofoam balls together
and carving out a hole in the middle and the leg openings
molded the clay around the forms

Back in my Fashion Days, I worked as a nail tech, my little drill
came in handy for drilling out the leg openings and inside
I sanded a lot
once they are smooth and wiped clean of dust

I painted a matte color
and painted their little faces
and then two coats of watered down pearl paint
first pink

Now I have to decide which sealer to use
and than I'm ready to string
I call this doll making experiments
because I really have no clue, what I'm doing

in the meantime
Vampire Lady is in my
shopall ready for Halloween