My dollhouse is haunted
that is the best excuse I can come up with,
not to even open her up in a year and a half.
But today I dragged her out of her dark corner
and into the light

Gone are the Attic Ghosts and dollies that inhabited her
China Siamese Kitties have seemed to taken over
the place

I opened up all the doors, she still smells of my Grandfather's
pipe smoke

I positioned all the little furniture of my childhood

straightened up all the rooms
tried out my new dollies
from my friend

set up all my tea sets
just in case
some Ghosts come to visit

lonely mewing in the hallways

and a empty attic space

playing in my house
mixing large scale pieces with the small
since this House was built by my Great Grandfather a Sea Captain
I'm sure he was drinking while working on her, and it is a good chance it wasn't tea!
the scale is off everywhere in the House
which I find endearing

New Attic Ghosts soon will be drifting about my House
in the mean time making a list of dollhouse projects
time to get back to work on her
soon as the weather cools down, sanding all the floors!