Saturday, January 15, 2011


Yesterday was the start of the Mt. Dora Renninger Antique Fair
spent a couple hours wandering around
munching on pretzels

I found this great work table
trying to figure out what it was used for?

from Maine
with enameled top
sectioned draws
wood pull-outs
and wheels
and just enough shabby to be
as you can see, already cleaned up
and getting to be part of the
Twigs Faerie Land Studio

Thursday, January 13, 2011


A sunny cold day in Florida
trying out this table size in my new uncluttered space

working on blue mermaids
soft ball jointed ballerinas and
going to try my hand at a
SteamPunk style doll

the light in the studio is wonderful
need to search for a wood farm table
and tufted stool
Lots of Antique Fairs coming
Love High Season in Florida
saw a flock of Robins in the yard
and the cows have drifted by several times

note to self
table size good
wicker chair not working!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


At the beginning of every New year
the round up begins
the hunt for the elusive dust bunnies

often found hiding behind the heaviest furniture
in the darkest unreachable corners

bright and early Monday morning
I took out all the furniture in my Studio
and another room in the house

gone is the clutter and all the stuff and
the dust bunnies have also deserted
certain areas to avoid capture!

clean light pretty
I'm finding less is more and very soothing

only a few treasures remain

a new soft feather bed laden with quilts
my kitties are very happy to have a snoozing spot,
it is also a wonderful place to star gaze at night

all the windows exposed
views of the farm-land from all angles
I'm very pleased despite my sore muscles
and perfect start to a New Wonderful Year!

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Continuing with the French Fashion Theme
my favorite Designer
Coco Chanel
beautiful clothing that never goes out of style

So, when three woodland faeries came to visit
I dressed them up as elegant ladies who lunch

iconic white suit from the 50's

lots of boucle and trims

my own take on the Chanel Suit

spectator boots

pink wool suit inspired by the 70's

floppy felted hats adorned with flowers

the fashion photo shoot

these three lovely ladies
are in my shop
I'm off for a week to revamp my studio
feel like moving furniture around!