Saturday, February 13, 2010


Experiencing a touch of cabin fever
I know it could be worse, I could be shoveling snow
but a little Spring Weather Please!
This is what happens in the studio
when I spend to much time inside
Projects start multiplying
Garconne Girls, waiting for paper clay

Paper Clay dolls for my Dollhouse

and some satin bloomer girls
waiting for frocks

Faeries in Wonderland
wanting to get outside
and flit around in their lovely hats

I'm wishing for Spring

Friday, February 12, 2010


today is cold and rainy
but look what I got from my blog friend Zan
Zan creates the sweetest little dolls

Thinking of Spring, this little award brightens up my weekend
grinning and smiling I now bestow this award to the following six blog friends
Their blogs inspire me and make be smile

as long as we have to stay inside, we might as well have some great blogs to read

Happy Valentines Day
don't forget to sign up for the OWOH give-away down below
announcing winners Feb 15th