Today I noticed the three Country Faeries sitting outside my window, lined up in a row on the farm posts.
We are waiting for the OWOH Give-away, we are excited can't wait to see what adventure awaits, the three little faeries sang out to me!
Two more days and Mr. Miami will pull three names from the Peter Pan Hat!
The comments on my OWOH blog will be closed Weds. the 11th at Noon Florida time.
I want to thank everyone for visiting Central Florida, and all the great comments on my blog.
This has been a wonderful event, and I am looking forward to having more give-aways in the Spring, from my French Champagne Party "Oui La La" a Marie Antoinette inspired collection of dolls.
Also, I will be pulling one more name, for this little Valentine Spice Stinker,
because the devil made me do it!
I'll be making my announcement of all four winners Thurs. 12th