Wednesday, August 26, 2009


August, hot sultry days that melt into each other, at the end of every day, storms light up the sky and rumble the house, pineapple juice is what the islanders call the rain. It cools the air and comforts you in the evening.

In the morning I retrieve the paper and breathe in the heat, while having my tea, I got a call from my friend, hurry over the Fairy Babies are back in the yard!
I grabbed my favorite book and straw hat and went over to see

With all the rain, comes beautiful gardens, my friend has a lovely garden

the Faerie Babies have been playing and napping in her yard

she even set out a doll bed all in pink

the Baby Fairies bounced on the bed and rocked in the little chair

I crawled under the tree and started to read Peter Pan

At first the Babies were shy, then the Baby Bee moved closer,
Baby Flower laid back and watched butterflies, and Baby Tiger purred but kept her distance

Reading in the Summer heat always puts me to sleep

But Bee, Flower, and Tiger, tumbled into the yard and played around the mushrooms

These Faerie Babies are now in my Etsy Shop
Thanks to my friend Terry and her Husband, for use of the beautiful garden &
doll bed dressed in pink and lace
the doll bed can be found on Ebay type in TEIG43